
CPITI provide well furnished Hostel accomodation to out station students, present capacity is 100 beds, which is available inside the institute premises.

Trainees Card

Each Trainee is provided with two card (I) Identification card (ii) Attendance Card, Attendance card must be produced while entering the Institute premises. Identification card must be produced by the trainees on demand.

Canteen And Mess

CITC provides canteen/mess facility to both day scholars and to the Hostellers, with its own arrangement.

Insurance Coverage

CITC will assist to insure all trainees through personal Janata Insurance Policy for injure sustained in the institute premises during Training.


Keeping pace with rapid advancement, particularly in the field of Computer Science and its application by both developed and developing nations, CITC Computer Library can't remain an idle spectator. The college has contemplated and built up a Computer Centers are equipped with ultra-modern high speed newly updated computers with High-Speed Internet.

Sports & Extra Curricular Activities

Apart from the excellent training in different trades. Chhend ITC undertake extra activities for the trainees to create the competitiveness, awareness, strength a spirit among themselves. To keep the trainees fit through out, a qualified physical Instructor has been appointed. There are play fields for Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Basket ball a Athletics Annual sports, Health camp Et Ind. Tour are some of the highlights. To enhance competitiveness among the trainees, we do conduct Annual Sport a prize distribution every year on our foundation day. To have the awareness in AIDS a HIV among our trainees Et also others in Society, Chhend ITC takes the pride to conduct the health camp at its own campus from time to time. To make our trainees to see through the window to the world, Industrial tour is organized every year. Note :- ST/SC Students given stipend as per Govt. Rules


CITC Library is vital part of the Training.The reference Text books are available for the trainees at CITC library, apart from the books of library, wide selection of News papers, Employment News and journals also facilitated to trainees.

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What our students say

"I am very proud of CPITI and have no words to express CPITI training system & discipline"

Rahul Prakash


"The name of CPITI is enough to the trainees. Because it makes a difference to be trained the others."

Durga Majhi


"I am Kundan Kumar express my sense of gratitude that except CPITI no other institute make difference to be trained the trainers."

Kundan Kumar


"The molded attitude of CPITI & discipline as also career shall certainly open the door to the success for the trainess."

Niraj Kumar Sharma

Western Railway